Good morning World! I am once more tickled pick to announce that a photograph of my jewelry design is on the back cover of Creative Jewelry, Volume 7, 2008. A few years ago I entered a contest for jewelry designers at Fire Mountain. People from all around the world enter this contest so I was SHOCKED to find that one of my designs had placed THIRD overall, and won the natural pearls category. They also chose a second necklace as a finalist. There was some prize money involved so I bought myself a kiln, which I haven’t really used. Hmmm… It is on my “to do list” though!
Anyway, they used photography of both pieces in back cover advertisements on national beading magazines and also in their catalogs to sell the products used in the designs. I got an email the other day from someone asking for a kit or instructions so they could copy it. I got those emails the first time this piece was featured so I went to the store to see if I could find a magazine with the ad in it. Sure ‘nuf – there it was grinning back at me. So I giggled and showed it to the check out girl and other folks in line (complete strangers) and they made the appropriate appreciative noises. My necklace! On the back of a magazine! So I called hubby. And then I called my Mama. Yep! I’m one happy camper!