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Five Point Quilt Star Pattern Tutorial Part One
Quilting patterns are full of eight point stars but if you are looking for a pattern for a five point star they are hard to come by. I was working to create an unusual star for a quilting project I was designing and so I decided to try making a five pointed star. After a variety of tries with disappointing results, I settled on this approach. There are similarities here to the log cabin method of making a square block, layering on rows of fabric to build the design. This pattern uses a backing fabric that should be a plain white or light colored fabric so that it does not show through the fabric when the quilt is finished.
Start with a 14 inch square of plain cotton fabric and mark a center point, but it does not have to be exactly in the center.
Make five lines through the center, all the way to the edges

On every other line mark a point five inches from the center point. For a funky look, make points of various lengths.
On the alternating lines mark a point two inches from the center point.

Connect the dots to form the outline of the star.
Number each section of the star. This will be very helpful later on to keep the sections straight.
Flip the star over and mark the same numbers on the back to keep them straight once they are covered in fabric.
Carefully cut in to the center of the star between the points of the star cutting the square into five sections.

Choose ten coordinating fabrics for the body of the star and cut 5.5 x 2 inch rectangles of each.

1. Combine five pairs of these star fabrics, right sides together.
Place one pair of fabrics over the central line of one section of the star and carefully sew leaving a .25 inch seam allowance.

Iron the two sides of the star open and repeat for the four other sides.
For the conclusion please check out the next post
For the conclusion please check out the next post