HELP! My Sherbet turned to Mud!

Well, I started well. I fell in love with a brick of batik’s that I found at my favorite quilt shop in “sherbet” colors. I loved them. It was infatuation only, I’m certain of it now. As time went by I liked them less and less. I’m down to talking to them now: “It’s not you, it’s me.” (But always gently and with respect)

I know why. I tried to use them all in one place. All these colors, all about the same value. When I put these little treasures together my delight with them faded as they all… turned… into… MUD! ARGH!!

I love vivid color, I love contrast… This. Ain’t. It.

So then… I’m determined to redeem my investment. Determined! Or maybe stubborn is the word.

I want this quilt to match these three little canvases that I created ages ago. (They are much cuter in person.) These little fleurs deserve a nice spot in the new house, just not sure where. The hope was that this quilt, these canvases plus a piece of dyed and painted silk I did years back might be a happy family of colors in some room here somewhere. But I’m not big on having MUD in the house. Unless it’s the footprints of puppies, then somehow I just don’t mind that much because they are just so good for my soul.
And I have two yards of this… that I was going to mix in with the sherbet. And it looked so beautiful in the quilt shop. It even made the sales lady sing as she cut it! And I felt it to. At the time. Now I see pretty colors mixed in MUD! Eeeek! Should I have my eyes checked?

Ok, so I’m going to add some contrast into the middle section, and hope like crazy that we can turn a corner here and fall in love all over again. And I don’t know what all will happen, I am very much playing it by ear. I even had a wicked little thought about a ton of ivory buttons I have in the stash that might have to make an appearance in the redemption of this muddy mess. Or maybe I just put up, shut up and finish this thing so it can go to someone else’s house. SOON please, so I can get back to the real colors.

Ok, done venting. If you have ideas, by all means – share them. Anything to turn my mud back to sherbet once more! If such a thing can even be done!