I finally decided to do these blocks all in a row, it was the easiest to translate it to a table runner this way. And then I did some machine quilting and then stepped back and tried to decide how to trim it.

I finally ended up making some curvy edges. I'm not very sold on this but it's not like I can't make one with straight edges if the desire should strike.

It is interesting in its own way.

I love what happens when these quilted pieces get out in the sun and the different lines that show up and the way the light catches the textures. It really shows off the quilting, and since I'm developing better quilting skills, I don't mind.

My other project for the day is to start refinishing this 100 year old cherry dining room table. It's got potential, but it's really ugly right now.

And believe it or not, when all the finish is stripped (I started with one of the leaves just to make sure I wasn't going to do some major damage) the dark murk gives way to a beautiful cherry that is quite fetching. So one of these days that table runner will go on this table. When it is finished. Which will hopefully be soon.