The back has my least favorite colors (red) and lots more fabric. Those boxes on the bottom have some of my ribbon, yarn and various fibers. I need to label them so I can remember what’s in there.
The antique wardrobe is full of batting, fusing and sewing tools, thread, and some upholstery supplies. I’m still not sure what to do with all the quilts that I have ‘in process” (code for unfinished.) So instead of dealing with that I started another lil quiltlet! LOL! What will I do next? Default position: start a new quilt!! LOL!
I ended up not liking the sewing machine at that height – I was bending over to use it with my neck in a weird crink-inducing position. So I added about four inches of nonsense under it to make it higher. I guess the jury is out on the sewing standing up. I can handle the peddle, that’s no big deal, just like playing keyboard standing up so I barely noticed that. I’m just not sure about the position it requires of my neck and back. And the whole idea was to find something that would reduce the ol quilter’s back fatigue. This is an improvement over the dining room table but I’m it will take a while to see if it is a long term option or not. I really did like the fluid working motion that can happen when I’m standing for everything though, loved that!
I’ve gotten a part in a local theatre production and so it looks like I’m in for a real adventure! This 40 year old is playing an 18 year old – isn’t that a lark?! Tonight is the first read through and I haven’t even seen the script so I should be able to get a feel for it tonight. I’m excited about that!