Here’s a fast forward look at my day. Off to work and then home to our exchange students. The girls and I made soap, they picked their colors and fragrances and they turned out cute. That’s my massage bar at the top and the little heart bar we made for Miss G, one of the staff members at their boarding school.

Then I made stamps out of a potato and we used them to make some polka dots. That was fun.

Then I dyed some stuff. Yeah, that white on white fabric is a bear to get the color into, but the way the color reacts to the white printing is pretty cool in my opinion. But this time I was good and did not disturb the drying process.

I didn’t have time to… making dinner (roasted chicken was amazing!) and then off to play practice and then coming home to find them in the middle of “Little Women” which is a movie that makes me cry. It has been a good day.
Tomorrow a jewelry project with the girls and then I'm going to iron and maybe do some planning for my next quilt series - the sofa cushions.