Making a Cordial Invitation
Today I made invitations for my parent’s 50th Anniversary Open House. I started out by printing up the information on the paper.
I scanned in the photos and printed them out in small black and white squares, and trimmed them up on the paper cutter. My parents were such cute Mennonite kids when they married! And now they are seasoned and full of wisdom. :)
Add in a little colored paper in my Mother's favorite colors... lavender, purple, plum...
Trim them all up, make sure there are enough!
I used the paper cutter to crease the paper exactly on the measurement.
All the folded papers waiting for the photos to be attached:
So then I added the front photo to the left flap.
And using that as a guide I then placed the second photo directly behind it on the right flap.
So on the front is the old photo, after you open that you see the new photo and on the inside in the invitation.
There they are, alllll done! Yay! So they were stuffed, stamped, sealed with golden seals and sent on their way this evening. There's gonna be a party, and I'm doing the cake. It's going to be a fun celebration! :)
I'm delighted that these two got married some 50 years ago and that they had my brother and I. They are two amazing people (and my brother is spectacular!) and I'm a very lucky girl indeed to have them in my life. Thank You Jesus!