Whew, I’m a weary one but we got a lot done today. Hubby had the day off of school thanks to the snow. We ran some errands this morning, and came home with a gallon of paint for the bedroom. We painted everything; the trim took a number of coats. So we started out with this blue from 1975 and natural wood trim.
And ended up with a pale lime green with white trim. I had given a fresh coat of black to an antique bed we’ve schlepped with us each time we moved though at least eight houses now. I bought it at a yard sale well over a decade ago. So we’ve got that moved in and a new mattress. Tomorrow the fun stuff: curtains, artwork, linens and who knows what else. The room needs to be ready for guests by Friday. We’re getting a few international students on Spring Break. Should be fun.
Three little ornaments for the blue kitchen. These little stars are made from shells from the last time I visited the Outer Banks. I look at these and think of waking up to the sounds of the ocean, sitting up in bed to watch the sunrise over the water. I met an artist while I was there who worked in sea shells and I found her work inspiring. So after an expensive trip to the sea shell store I came home with a few ornaments and a box full of possibilities.