Wednesday Numbers : 3

There are 3 seasons that stand out as the most successful (on-court) seasons in Bethany Christian history. Those seasons are 1998, 1999, 2008. Those are the 3 seasons that are recorded on the plaque in the gym lobby.

There are some similarities in these programs, so let's take a look at how the number 3 runs through them.

The regular season records of the teams, 16-3, 12-3, 15-4. It may look as if the 2008 team is throwing off the theme of 3, but keep in mind that those four losses came to only 3 different teams, as 2008 team lost twice to Concord.

At least 3 players who played college tennis (or are considering it)
1998: Aaron Wieand, Andrew Lanctot, Aaron Lehman
1999: Aaron Wieand, Andrew Lanctot, Andrew Kauffman
2008: Jonny Shenk, Daniel Buschert, Luke Hostetter?

3 positions with over 75% winning percentage:
1998: #1S, #2S, #3S
1999: #1S, #2S, #1D
2008: #2S, #3S, #2D

3-2 wins over Fairfield

2-3 losses to Concord

3 players on each team who go by Biblical names without shortening them.

3 is the favorite number of the coach.

3 teams in which Andrew Lanctot is involved.

#3S was a position that won a lot for each of these years, compared to other lower achieving teams (Mike Mallot was 18-1 for 1998, Andrew Kauffman played 1999, Jonny Shenk 17-5 in 2008)

3 (x2) - okay, this is stretching it but these teams combined for 6 trophies (2 LaVille, 2 Lakeland, 1 Wayne, and 1 Sectional)

I'm sure there is more and more and more... but I'm running out of concrete knowledge, so I'll stop now.

(P.S. Notice how more was repeated three times, I'm so tricky!)