Well I’m playing “catch up” here today. I’ve been out of the studio the last ten days with a whirlwind of activity and adventure. We had a demanding rehearsal and show schedule for Shenandoah Moon with double tech the Saturday before Easter and then dress rehearsals, the show and a series of cast parties plus the final strike. It was an amazing experience and I am now hooked on community theater. I want to do this again!
This Saturday I hosted my parent’s 50th wedding anniversary celebration. It was a beautiful event and I made the wedding cake. I left a little early after the party in order to go perform but there were others who stayed to help clean up. It was fun to connect with friends of my family who have known me from when I was a wee little girl.
I hope to be posting photos and telling the tales soon, but for now I think a nap is very much in order.