Over the last year I’ve done makeup for a number of theatrical productions locally.

This gentlemen was playing Heinzy in The Pajama Game.

She was also in The Pajama Game, and what a cutie!

How do you like her hair? That was fun and she loved it!

I did makeup for Annie, I did the bald cap for Daddy Warbucks.

And this guy was a riot, I can't remember which character this was though. Every night of the production his look got a little stranger.

Daddy Warbucks had started to melt that evening, but I was enjoying play with the spare bald cap.
And I think that blue thing on my head is actually a skirt or something, that was funky.

I won a costume contest with this vintage 1950's style look. We had a lovely dinner and entertainment that evening, and a guy rode through the dining room on a motorcycle!

This one is the creepiest one I've ever done: I don't use clown white, I used pure titanium dioxide and lots and lots of it. It wasn't easy to get off but still better than that clown white stuff. I call it "white girl in purple." This photo is kind of a fluke, it turned out overexposed and I decided that I liked it. These days I don't use regular makeup on myself, I make all my own mineral makeup from the foundations to shadows that I blend myself. It's easy and I enjoy playing with the colors!

These photos of me in pink are still some of my favorites that came together by accident. I took one look at my hair in the mirror one morning and clamped that hat on my head and left for work. I opened the gallery and looked in the mirror and decided that the hat needed the pink scarf and rose from one of the displays in the shop. A little later on I made the pink necklace to match. And by the time I made it home it was kind of a fun look so I had my hubby snap some photos out back. The house that we lived in at the time had been built by a crazy artist witch and she'd splashed that pink paint in various places on the outside walls (it was mainly glass, metal and concrete!) so of course I had to stand right in front of one of her big splashes. I loved that house.

This one almost looks like a 1920's flapper style look. Almost.

There wasn't anything on my to-do list that I felt like doing this afternoon, so I pulled out this Picasso painting and decided I was going to play around with this bizarre look. When I was finished my husband couldn't even stand to look at me, so I deduced that Picasso didn't like women very much. I suppose this is the strangest look I've ever done. It was fun though!

Now to decide who to be for the costume party Saturday evening! I have the mineral makeup, pigments and mica to mix just about any color, but which one? If you have some suggestions, leave a comment.
PS... This is blog post number 197 and my 200th post will be a giveaway. To be eligible, just become a "follower" of my blog, link in the sidebar to the right.