Awarded annually to one player who has the best stroke of anybody on the team, but is still on the JV. Despite his work last tennis season, after just deciding to play the night before practice started, Evan Grimes is the recipient of this wonderful award for having the best volley on the team, but practicing that skill only at #1 and #2 doubles JV.
Evan's skills have grown fantastically since last year. But he has not yet perfected all areas of his game. His serve lacks consistency and so does his backhand, but when he is at the net, he has the quickness and tenacity to put balls away no matter how hard they are hit. You just know Evan is going to be a dominating doubles player, it's just a matter of when.
What makes his volley so fantastic is actually his feet. He is quick enough to move into proper striking position while the ball is still in the air. And if he doesn't have enough time, his reflexes still give him a chance to get the ball back. My favorite JV points of the season often came in his matches, where I would turn my head and look at Andrew, and we would simply raise our eyebrows wondering how good he could become. Hopefully we will see. Potential is just potential until someone puts in the hard work to make it a reality.