The lovely folks at dropped by my blog a while back and noticed some of the jewelry design work I have posted in the sidebar. They offered me the opportunity to choose some of their inventory that they’d send me for free if I’d blog about it and them. I can always use $35 worth of crystals so of course I agreed. I looked through the Swarovski crystals
(check out this selection!) and chose these drops first:

It's the
Swarovski 6100 24x12mm faceted teardrop pendant in "crystal volcano" and they are SO cool! When the package came in the mail it looked like this, all pretty in purple!

I opened it up to check out my loot! Yay!

I also picked up some of these lovely lil buggas, a small oval crystal in the same "crystal volcano" color. These are little delicate thinga-ma-bobs!

So I went searching through my stash of Swarovski crystals to find something to go with them and found some fuchsia bicones.

I looped a fine wire through the crystal and back up into the bicone and put a loop on the top and trimmed the edges.

I made some small "S" shaped curls and folded them over the ovals and dangled some bicones from them and then put them all together.

I added the ear wires and that was it. A very easy and quick pair of earrings that are really fun to wear!
I went to a costume party on October 31st. I went as a character from a black and white movie trying to break into the world of full color. I wore full black and white makeup, even my shoulders and back were white (which could be a post all itself) these colorful sparkling earrings, a crimson scarf and matching crimson lipstick (sadly this photo was taken before I put on the bright lipstick.) I enjoyed wearing the earrings a great deal and got lots of compliments!

I got a little card in the mail from the folks at today, they've given me a little treat to pass along to you. If you go there and make a purchase before 12/31/09, you can use this coupon code and get 10% off your order. Feel free to pass this along to your beading friends! The coupon code is: "SCF10P-ARTBEADS-0424" At holiday time a pair of earrings is a lovely gift, even nicer when you can pick up the beads at discount prices. Thanks to for the lovely beads!
Happy creating my lovely readers, keep up the good work!