
I don't know how I got into this project tonight, but I did.  I just finished making some updates to my website.  I added a slideshow of hand dyed scarves to the "Textiles" page.  I also created a "Dichroic Glass" page, which is a new art media for me this year.  I've had the kiln for years, but I didn't use it.  That brings the website up to date on 12 of the art media I work in, though I must say, I am really only working in about five to seven media this month or at any given time.  I like the variety, it works for me.  And I have the space to have a variety of different studios in my home, at least for now.

Check out my new Textiles page.
Now the art quilts and hand dyed silk scarves are side by side on the Textiles page.

Check out the new Dichroic Glass page on my website.

I also added a "follow me on Twitter" button, for all of you micro-bloggers.