And after a little rearranging, it's now an exhibit all kinds of things that one can wear. Somehow hanging those hand made shoes on the wall just got me tickled.
I've never hung shoes on the wall in a gallery before. I liked it. I'll do it again. I might even have to hang shoes on the wall in my home. I would do that. I really like where my shoes are now though.
It was a productive day, I moved things around and tweaked the displays until I had things looking good. I enjoy this kind of work, and it gets me out of the studio for a while here and there. There will be a monthly shift at our Co-op gallery now, so each month one of the two featured artist displays in the gallery changes. Sometimes it involves a fairly drastic change to the displays, sometimes it's no big deal. In retail, change is good.
I've got the itch to open a gallery of my own again. Of all the things I've ever done professionally, I loved that gig best of all. I'm giving it some thought. There are lots of details to sort out in this crazy life of mine right now, that one is on the list.
Here's to all of you who enjoy merchandising and display,
or buying art...
or sorting out details...
or hanging shoes on the wall...
Grace and Peace,
-Carmen Rose