These doors are wood with the original finish, cleaned with that alphabet soup stuff (TSP? STP? TPS?) sanded, primed, painted... and then primed and painted again. Yeah, complete overkill. Here's hoping that nothing bleeds through this time! That's the doors from the first section of uppers. Lots more to go!
Still waiting very impatiently on the hinges to arrive. Soon I hope?
A friend of mine was here today to have her hair colored so I painted her hair and wrapped the bits up in foil. It had not occurred to me how similar that is to some of the other things I do, like dying fabric or any kind of repetitive pattern making or even the act of painting with a paint brush. But most of my artistic projects don't talk while I'm working on them! (At least not to an extent that I'm willing to admit to.) =)
I was thinking today about how unusual this January has been. Usually it's my one chance during the year to really dig in and work on an art project that I wouldn't ordinarily get to do. One that isn't about making a product to sell but more about meeting the need to create. Usually it's a time when I get to be really focused and shut out the world for a while. My dogs and the wood stove keep me company and I love snow and seeing the mountains in the distance, these things are good for the soul. This January has been busy and I've been into a variety of interesting things and still no significant time in my quilt studio. I would like to make some time for some very "outside the box" projects that are percolating, we'll see how far I get on that but some of the ideas really have my juices flowing! And I have a one person art show coming up sometime this Spring, more on that later. And there is an opening this Friday evening for a group show that includes my work, and an artist friend is going to come spend the day with me in my studios Friday as well. Heaven only knows what we'll get into! It's no ordinary January, but that's ok. Nothing is ever really ordinary around here anyway.
So from an uncommon artist to my uncommon readers: Happy Creating!
-Carmen Rose