I like to know what is going on in your lives, I like to feel like I make a difference for my players. During the season, I have a real sense of connectedness to all my players. I know who is dating who, who is struggling with their parents, who is struggling with their tennis, and all sorts of other fun stuff that I hear on the bus rides and don't tell you that I know.
During the offseason though, there is a weird disconnect. The only students that I get to know are middle schoolers, which is cool, but I enjoy the depth at which I can talk to high school students. Some of you come to weight lifting workouts (just find me after school if you are interested) and we continue to talk that way, but some of you play other sports, are in the plays and musicals, do other things with your time, and I feel like I have to go through a mini-process of getting to know you again whenever the season starts or camp begins.
So, my rant is against the offseason. It isn't as fun as the season. Do you agree? What do you hate about the offseason?