I started to wonder why these lovely little keys resonated with me so much and then realized that doors have long been symbols of opportunity in my life. And keys go to locks on doors, having the right key is pretty central to whether or not that door is open or closed. I remember a dream I had in my thirties where I was in a room opening and closing doors. It became a theme for me during a pivotal season of my life. I went through a door marked “Artist” back then, and followed that up with a door marked “Entrepreneur” when I opened my first gallery. And ever since then, when I struggled to find my way, I would look for the open doors. I am 41 and facing some pivotal decisions in my life right now. Call it a midlife crisis if you will, but I am taking a look at everything in my life, everything is open for evaluation and consideration. All I really know is that some things will need to change, the question is which things? I have a lot going for me, I’m strong and articulate. And I am learning to know myself better and I am embracing this uncommon woman that I am. And so I’m once more in that metaphoric room surrounded by options and I don’t really know (yet) which ones are right for me.
I’m not the woman I once was, I’ve grown up a lot. I’ve gained some years and a little bit of wisdom here and there, mostly the hard way. Yet in some ways I feel very much like I’m just beginning, like I’ve come to the place where I am in some sense, starting over. So here’s to the doors of opportunity, and having the keys to those doors.
Thank you to Artbeads.com for these lovely key charms. These keys can be found in their selection of selection of items for (yeah, I'm a tad late!!) Valentine's Day. And you can go to their site and do a simple search for silver keys and get TWO PAGES of results of little tiny beautiful silver keys. I'm completely in love with them. And I'll bet you'll find something that expresses your journey in this collection of charms. There are so many to choose from! Surf on over!
FTC disclaimer: I received some of the products shown in this blog from Artbeads.com free of charge, I have not been paid for my endorsement of these products and I am reviewing the products honestly.
I'm off to do makeup for the cast of "Saving Grace." I'm wearing my earrings with the key charms from Artbeads.com.
Happy Creating,
Carmen Rose