All Time Record vs. Laville: 11-3
Classic Matches:
Each year we have played them head to head has been 5-0.
Top Players over the Years: Alek Schafer, Brad Miller, Trenton Stout, Chris Byers...
Last Season Result: Bethany Christian 5, Laville 0
Returning Varsity Players:
#1S - Trenton Stout (lost to Ben Mast, 2-6, 0-6)
#2S - Zach Young (lost to Seth Krabill, 0-6, 0-6)
#3S - Troy Siple (lost to Mikey Kelly, 0-6, 0-6)
#1D - Nick Amor/Dominic Lewinski (lost to Kyle Miller/Austin Loucks, 0-6, 2-6)
#2D - Grant Frick/Hunter Horvath (lost to Russell Klassen/Nick Rebec, 0-6, 0-6)
Top Returning JV Players:
For the second year in a row, the Lancers should bring back their entire varsity. Last year, the scores indicate that we handled them pretty easily. I'm not sure what this year will hold, but this is a match that we should still win. We return enough players who won their matches this past season, that if our progress is real, and we are getting better, then we should still be ahead of the Lancers in our development.