I went to an art opening Sunday afternoon in Harrisonburg. Randy Shenk, my brother, has long worked with a group from his church at a worship service they call "Misso Dei" which they call "an ancient future worship service." Basically anything from the traditions of the Christian church is fair game, from incense to a live band... it makes a very multi dimensional worship service. He creates an artwork nearly each week that goes with the theme of Pastor's message. One piece that has been central over time has been this large chunk of wood in a Celtic cross. From week to week the carving may progress, or it may not... I wish I could show the detail but the lighting in that place wasn't great for taking photos. I'll share some other photos from that exhibit along the way here, and maybe some of the things he writes about his work. Randy is a gifted artist and it was so fun to see how people interacted with his work (and with him) at the opening. I look forward to bragging on him more in the future!