Win at Love

READ: 1 Corinthians 13:8a
THINK: What does it mean that “love never fails?”
PRAY: For our team to win at love.

Love never fails.

I cannot guarantee you’ll always play your best. There will be matches where you will fail to bring your “A” game. There will be times when you won’t be able to hit a first serve in consistently. There will be days that are frustrating during the season.

But love never fails.

I cannot guarantee my coaching advice will always work. I may be confusing, I might be wrong, I might have no words to help. I’ll try my best, but sometimes nothing will help your improvement as a tennis player.

But love never fails.

I cannot guarantee that you won’t get hurt during the season. On our best team ever, Luke and Johnny played most of the season with significant injuries. How much better would we have been if they were 100% healthy? Who knows? But your health is not a guarantee.

But love never fails.

I cannot guarantee our on-court success, wins and losses. Our win total will come based on how hard we work, but I can’t tell you we’ll win the Sectional even if we work our hardest. Even if we pray our hardest, God isn’t obligated to give us everything we want. It may turn out to be a great season for us, but I can’t tell you for sure.

But love never fails.

If anything but love is your goal this season, you may end up disappointed. But if love is your goal, and the team’s goal, this season will be unbelievable. Friendships will be forged, brothers will be made, stories will be lived and then the memories told and retold. With smiles, with contentment, with a peace that comes from doing it the right way and never looking back.

This season, we will win.

We will win at love.