What a beautiful concept. This amazing woman has entered the contest for a new show on Oprah's network. Please take a look at her video and vote for her if it resonates with you. Ingrid's Audition.
Ingrid was my RA when I was living in the dorm in college. I thought she was pretty cool then, I've since seen her on stage a number of times and been completely blown away each time. Ted Swartz is the man in the video. He is the surviving member of "Ted and Lee" a theater duo. Lee was one of my brother's best friends in high school, I remember my brother playing a trick on him at our house once. His loss rocked my brother and I. It's now "Ted & Co Theaterworks." Everything I've seen Ted in has been phenomenal. Not just excellent... but really off the charts! Ingrid and Ted have done some stage work together, I am SUCH a FAN! It really would be cool to see Ingrid on TV, she's beautiful and talented. I know that what she'd bring to a show on Oprah's network would be significant, full of purpose and depth. I'd LOVE to see that happen! Please check out her audition, vote for her and pass it along.
Chasing Love,
-Carmen Rose