I labeled my generation "A" and my parents "B" and on back through the generations. At this point on the wall there is one Q and his name was Klaus Guttan (which later became Good) 1435, Switzerland. Hans Broennimann (1500, Switzerland) and Jacob Ryff (1507, Switzerland) are the only other two I've traced back to the P generation. That's the 16th generation! Can you believe that? It's difficult for me to believe!
You really have to watch the information, for a while I had a guy born in 1770 as the father of a man born in 1435. The names and locations were a perfect fit, but clearly it was the wrong guy. You really have to pay attention to the details!
On my father's side there is a man named Christian Wenger, 1698 - 1772, born in Switzerland and immigrated to the US. On my mother's side is the same man, only instead of nine generations back, it's eight. My parents are cousins! Distant cousins, but cousins.
I have now found all the names I can going ten generations back. It seems like a lot of names, a possible 510 names, I have 295 of them. Which doesn't seem like much, just past 56%, but I'm amazed that this much information is available about my family line. It's really amazing.
I have photos from dinner to share, maybe I'll get around to that later.
Happy heritage hunting,
-Carmen Rose