- 2 Peter 1:5-8 -
And we continue with God. Yesterday, we began to think of the ways in which God has exampled all the qualities we've been trying to live this season. And it was amazing just to start thinking about how God has been in control of the season. We looked at the goodness he has shown to the team, taking difficulties and making them turn out for our good. We saw the knowledge that God has enabled us to grasp, if we are paying attention. And we saw the patience and control God has shown as we have failed to "get it."
Today, we come to our team word for the season: perseverance. Okay, so we've used a different term (Always Battle!) but basically, pushing through the difficult times with belief. Let's not be naive, there have been difficult times this year. We have struggled with the mental part of the game, we have struggled with confidence, we have struggled to focus. But throughout the season, I've seen breakthroughs of God's help in these situations that require perseverance.
Westview's wind, #1 doubles against Taylor, Nate against Eastern... these examples jump to mind. But there are others. There has been all of the doubles players good and understanding attitudes as we've rotated lineups throughout the season to make sure everyone was ready for Sectional. There was the way we approached the challenge of the Merrillville Invitational, and the way #1 doubles handled the disappointment of some bad calls in big spots in that tournament. Hopefully, I believe there are more examples that I haven't even stated here and don't even know about.
In all of these situations, we see God's hand moving. We see God blessing us with both success (as in the case of the matches) and with maturity (as in the case of our attitudes). These things have been team goals since camp, we want to do well in tennis and we want to grow more like Christ. We must celebrate the times when we've been able to do that.
But personally, I get the sense that God is not done with helping us battle. I sense that we have more battling to do this season. I look forward to seeing the ways in which God will help us mature, use our weaknesses to show His strength, and continue delivering us good gifts in the midst of difficult situations.
So God, we praise You! Because of what You have done and because of what You are yet to do! Be in our attitudes, be in our play, Lord Jesus. Help us mature, help us persevere. Help us to always battle.