But there are other players on a team. These players might be on varsity or JV. They might be the one who always practices hard despite how they feel. They may be the one who plays in a position they aren't particularly excited about, or plays with a partner who drives them nuts, or plays with an array of different partners throughout the season. All of this without complaining, all of this to make the team better.
In 2008, we had our first and so far only Sectional winning team. That team was stacked with talent, all the way down through the JV. We had a senior on that team, Matthew Amstutz, who practiced hard with the varsity every day. He pushed the other guys on the team, he came to open courts during the offseason, and he worked hard. But come the season, he ended up playing #3 singles JV. Despite the disappointment that was to him, he completed an undefeated season at that spot and was a huge factor in motivating the varsity and others. This award is for players like him, because the team wouldn't exist without players willing to show that type of character.
So this year, the award goes to someone who desperately wanted to play singles, but went out and had a terrific doubles year. It goes to someone who never complained about their position, but instead made the best of the year by garnering the 2nd highest total of wins on the team. It goes to someone who will probably be overshadowed by Ben Mast's All-District season, Seth Krabill's undefeated record, the fact that Russell only lost once. It goes to someone who silently improved over the offseason, from a place where he only won 2 varsity matches last year to this year's unbelievable total of 19. It goes to someone who didn't get lazy at practice, but pushed all year to see his skills improve. It goes to someone who was foundational to the team attitude and the love that we strove to show throughout the season.
It goes to Blake Shetler.
Monday: The Froshy Award - going to the year's "best" freshman