I was pleased to meet the whole family of Nature's Creations. This lovely woman got my attention from a distance with that beautiful necklace pendant she's wearing and her lovely smile. She was as beautiful to chat with as she looks.
Her sons manned the booth, their work is natural leaves in copper with a variety of patinas. They were surrounded by a crowd of admiring customers.
I met the father of the family as I was walking back to Wolfie's booth later on. The whole family was most engaging and I drooled over their work. Take a look at leafpin.com
I also enjoyed the women at Debora Watson's booth, she is a felter and her work was especially lovely. We chatted and tried on hats and laughed together. It was great fun!
It was a lovely weekend with the Wolf Pack. I enjoyed learning to know Lisa, another adopted member of the pack, they seem to have a roving family that organically expands to include whoever is nearby. They've got a real gift of hospitality and Mrs Wolfie is an exceptional cook, every meal more delicious and creative than the one before. It was a lovely weekend with delightful people and I drove home enjoying a sunset that seemed to linger around the fringes of the sky for the whole drive home. All in all a delightful adventure and I am very grateful.
Happy Trails,
-Carmen Rose