Birthday Week Adventures

I had one of the most delightful birthday weeks EVER! I'll tell ya, I highly recommend turning forty mumble with some excellent friends!  I spent some time with my friend and her family who live near DC.

The food was amazing!  We feasted (this doesn't include eating out where I must have forgot my brain because I don't have photos of the restaurant food!  O Bother!!)

I enjoyed her creativity a great deal, aren't these little jello bugs the cutest thing ever?! She made the jello in an egg carton! =)

We had a lovely time at an art museum in DC, I took a few photos of my favorite things.

Sometimes it was the words more than the artwork:
Or a quote included as part of an exhibit:
This one just fascinated me!  I just LOVED it SO MUCH!

And a huge installation of the map of the US.  This is just before I set off the "You are too close to the artwork" detector thingi.  Oopsy!  It was cool, there were so many screens and each state had video on a loop that had to do with that state specifically.  It was a fascinating piece.
And we had to get a photo of me with all the Steelers stuff (this trip was the week before the super bowl) because my friends are raving Packers fans! 
Which is a good thing, because the Packers won! And what a great game it was!  
I loved my adventure, I have the best friends a forty mumble woman could ever hope for!
 And while I was there she taught me the art of Kumihimo ~ ancient Japanese braiding. 

Now THAT is fun!
And who doesn't need another new art media?

Happy Trails to you,
-Carmen Rose