Taking stock of next season is always difficult. We lose our best players, but so does most everybody else. We have to integrate JV players into the varsity, but so does everyone else. We have to welcome a group of new freshman, beginning to build the next generation of tennis lovers, but then again, that's the same challenge facing every team in the state.
So what do we know, what do the facts say about the state of our program? We'll do it in multiples of 3 for all those who want to continue their math education throughout the summer months...
3 - We have three players returning with significant varsity experience. Nate won 16 matches at #3 singles (tying Jonny Shenk for most matches won at that position since I began coaching). Blake Shetler and Evan Grimes racked up good records playing #2 doubles last year, but Blake took 2 significant wins in singles as well.
6 - We have six players who committed to offseason work in lessons. Of course, I always wish that this number was higher. But those who did commit are looking better for it already. Of course, at the clubs they seem to teach hitting the ball hard and not keeping it in, so we'll have some consistency work to do. But playing through the winter gives us a head start on many of our opponents.
9 - Is the number of guys who came to the first Tuesday tennis, and I have to tell you it was a fun time. Not only did I dominate the ping-pong tournament, but my sons also made new friends. Gid's favorite was Andrew but Judah is partial to Parth, I think. It really was a great time!
12 - This is the number of new freshman coming in this year, and I'm excited about every one of them!
So there's some stock of the season, we'll be young, fun, energetic, and learning! I cannot wait to see some more of you soon!