Two: Is that a quilt?
Three: It does look like a quilt, doesn’t it.
One: *admiring her bracelet along with the new one* I think these look good together.
Me: Oh, I do to.
Two: Can we see what you’re working on?
Three: Maybe she doesn’t want to show it.
Me: I don’t mind showing you. *I take it over to the sofa and spread it out so they can see the whole thing.*
Two: *gesturing* What’s it gonna be?
Three: Well, I think it’s a quilt.
Me: It’s a wall hanging.
Two: You’re going to hang it on the wall?
Three: Well sure, you suppose you could figure out a way to hang it on the wall.
One: *fingering the bracelet* I wore it all the time, never took it off.
Three: Oh I remember that bracelet, what happened to it?
Two: it’s funny shaped.
Three: Why yes, it does have an odd shape.
One: *Holding out her arm* I don’t know what happened to it, and I never got another one to replace it.
Two: are you going to hem it shaped like that?
Me: I’ll add a binding to the edges.
Two: She’s going to hem it and hang in on the wall.
Three: Well yes, it does need to be hemmed, now doesn’t it.
Two: It has a funny shape.
Three: Why yes, I believe it does.
One: *gangling her bracelets together* I like this one, it goes nicely with the one I’m wearing. (She’s saying this about one gold bracelet and one silver bracelet that are widely divergent styles.)
Two: Oh yes it does
Three: Oh yes, they are pretty together.
Two: Now what kind of fabric is that?
Me: *Pointing again to different sections of the work* These are hand dyed, this is hand marbled fabric, these are commercial fabrics and this is linen and this is silk.
Two: That IS linen, and that IS silk, I didn’t even notice them until you pointed them out.
Three: Oh I didn’t notice them either, but you’re right, there they are, right there.
One: *moving her arm around in the air* I paid a lot for that one and wore it for years, I wonder what happened to it.
Three: Did you lose it?
Two: Did you use Rit Dye?
Three: Why yes, I suppose you have to dye it to get it to look like that.
Me: No, I used a professional dye called Procion Dye.
Two: Oh, see? She used special dyes to make the fabric those colors
Three: Why yes, those colors are very pretty.
One: *toying nervously with the price tag* It really is pretty isn’t it and it’s only $50.
Me: That’s a good price for a silver bracelet made by hand.
Three: That's a good deal.
Two: And are you going to leave it that odd shape?
Three: Yes, it is a funny shape now isn’t it.
Me: Yes, I’ll leave it.
One: *dropping her arm to her side in resignation.* Well, I’m not going to buy it, guess I should put it back.
Me: Oh, and it looks so good on you.
Two: You’re not going to buy it?
Three: Oh, I think you should buy it
Me: Oh yes, it’s lovely on you.
One: Well, alright, maybe I will.
I go to write up the ticket to sell the bracelet to the woman who is already wearing it.
So here is my oddly shaped quilted wallhanging (that I shall hang on the wall) with the hand dyed fabrics (but I don't use rit.) Please pass the bracelets.