With a nod to the lovely Ms Melody, here is a photo of my wee garden. It features an old Lithuanian candle house that I bought ages ago and some lil bitty plants that I just bought the other day. I hope it lives (the plants) cause I think it's cute and I'm highly tempted to make all manor of things to go in it.
Here's some good inspiration if you're considering one of your own:
Here's one Melody saw at the store: http://fibermania.blogspot.com/2009/04/pink-sky-at-morning.html And Melody has a cute one with a lil bitty garden gnome in it - how perfect is that?!
Here's one by the amazing Starla King: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=65153&id=56235438623&l=d4c8034f6c
Oh, and check this out, these are incredible: http://fibermania.blogspot.com/2009/04/more-birdbath-gardens.html
And somewhere I saw a link to Plow and Hearth where they've got some cool planter style thingis all ready for your plants: http://www.plowhearth.com/product.asp?pcode=10981&crs=6572&ref=product
Thank you Melody! This was fun to make and a fun diversion.