Happy Thanksgiving

Ever turn around and find that someone you care about is gone? I’ve lost three friends recently, the first at the end of August. My friend Sally died in September 12th of a stroke. We lost J. Bogan Nov 7th, I never heard what got him but he’d dealt with some chronic illness for years. I’m not a big fan of losing people I care about, especially when they are too young and the loss is so complete. The Thanksgiving holiday has been a good reminder to count my blessings. And so I look around my life and am grateful for friends.

Some people are a part of my life long enough that our stories become interwoven, and some pass through very quickly. I took a metalworking class a while back. I had gotten some really difficult news that morning and though the seminar was excellent, it was a painful weekend for me. I ran across one of the other students in that class on Saturday, she came over and gave me a big hug. Her husband came over and introduced himself a little later on. My connection with her was brief, she came into my life in a moment of private grief, but she was very kind. And her kindness helped. I’m grateful for this kind of momentary friend.

I am also grateful for those who have been a part of my life for years. A friend joined me for lunch recently who has proven to be a trustworthy friend and confidant. And there are some recent additions, people who are kind of new in my life but have nevertheless become interwoven in my story. I could list a lot of people that have marked my life by honestly sharing of themselves with me. There are women in an old hometown that I love to spend time with, and even though we live at a great distance now, when we’re together the connection is as strong as always. I love these people, and I’d miss them deeply if life or death took them away from me.

I live a solitary life as a studio artist, most of my time is spent right here in Studio B. My closest companions are my border collies. My life is far from perfect, there is so much I need to learn. Thankfully there are some teachers, and some fellow students who walk with me as we learn and grow together. The losses of this fall have made me want to remind my friends that I love them, that I’d miss them if they were gone, and that I appreciate what each one of them have brought to my life.

Happy Thanksgiving! Thank you for dropping by my blog. Life is short, be authentic and love unreservedly. None of us are promised a tomorrow.
-Carmen Rose