I've been in full tilt production of glazed glass recently to prep for some holiday shows. I've been a little behind about documenting the work with photographs. So this is me playing "catch up!"
Click on an image for a closer look, there is a wide variety of colors and shapes here.
The largest ones: $44 - $47

I reclaim glass and glaze it, I'm not actually blowing glass or creating the shapes, just redeeming something that would otherwise be headed for the landfill or recycling. There four are $29 - $44

This one third from right is interesting with the frosted glass, I haven't done much with frosting but I think I'll be doing more now! $24 - $44

Again with the frosted gradation of color along with the frosted look on first and second from last one here: $27 - $42

Last one on right one of my favorites, I've always loved turquoise and purple together. $19 - $36
These are the smallest ones, for some reason the little ones are always my favorites. There just isn't anything much better than one of these little buggas with a few blooms from the garden on the table in the summer time! $16 - $19

I've got more glazed glass in the works, photos to come. Is there anything better than playing with color for a living? I doubt it. I really doubt it.
Thanks to each of you for dropping by my blog. I've started lists in the side bar of visitors to my blog and the countries or states they visit from, this fascinates me and makes me feel that this big world of us is just a little smaller than it used to be. So here's to connections across time and space. Thanks for visiting my blog, wherever you hail from, come back soon! Never can tell what I'll be into next!