Guest Bloggers

Hi All, it’s a beautiful day here at Studio B. The sky is bright blue with white whispy trails of distant jet engines trailing across the sky in parallel rows. The golf course is green and the birds are visiting the bird feeder now and then. The temperature is perfect and I have the back door standing open so that the dogs can come and go as they please. It’s quiet and beautiful!

Two weeks from today I’ll take two weeks off to attend to some health issues and would really love some guest bloggers in my absence. Since I’m so prone to hopping between art media, I thought it might be interesting to hear from my lovely guest bloggers about creating in a media they aren’t used to, or perhaps sharing a time when you blurred the lines between two art media and how it turned out. Photos are very welcome of course! So if you are interested in being one of my guest bloggers, please drop me an email at carmenrose at comcast dot net.

Thanks and Happy Creating!

-Carmen Rose