All Time Record vs. Fremont: 5-1
Classic Matches:
Fremont 4, Bethany Christian 1; 2004
I asked Bod to schedule Fremont for us, as they were in their 4th year of their program, needed some matches and were of similar size to us. And in our first matchup, they pounded us. Led by Brent Wertz, who I had been in youth group with at our church (the church where we have tennis camp), they won all the singles positions easily... and left me wondering if we should have scheduled them at all. That was the last matchup that the Eagles won.
Bethany Christian 3, Fremont 2; 2005
The following year, we returned no players that had won the previous year, as our doubles team that grabbed us one point had graduated. Fortunately, they didn't return any either, so in a battle of relative newcomers we barely prevailed. This was one of those strange matches where the overall score is close, but the matches themselves were not. We won all of our matches in straight sets, with only one close set (6-4). They won their two matches with only one close set (7-5). Weird.
Top Players over the Years: Brent Wertz, Josh Collins, George Berkesch, Dustin McHenry, Brandon Pavey, Steven Bressler
Last Season Result: Bethany Christian 5, Fremont 0
Returning Varsity Players:
#1S - Joe Stackhouse (lost 1-6, 0-6 to Ben Mast)
#2S - Matt Hoff (lost 0-6, 1-6 to Seth Krabill)
#3S - Tyler Jenkins (lost 0-6, 0-6 to Mikey Kelly)
#2D - Matt Wilcox (lost 1-6, 4-6 to Russell Klassen/Nick Rebec)
Top Returning JV Players:
#1SJV - Jacob Bryant (lost 3-8 to Misha Rebec)
#2SJV - Brandon Miller (lost 7-8 to Blake Shetler)
#1DJV - Brandin Ross/Glen McClain (won 8-7 over Matt Ebersole/Evan Grimes)
The Eagles are a team full of potential. Their freshman and sophomore classes are athletic and hit the ball very well, they are simply inexperienced. We had easy wins over them in singles last year, but they are a bit deceiving. Tyler Jenkins blasted his forehands and had Mikey not been such a quick mover on the court, the results might have been different. Joe Stackhouse, Fremont's #1, was in his first year at Fremont after moving, and had not yet settled in. As a team, the Eagles finished fifth out of nine in the NECC. They return a number of JV players who challenged us as well. It will be interesting to see if our matches are more difficult this year as the Eagles' players have more experience and practice in their belts.